Les Pages Aux Folles: Headlines Felt the Struggle Was Worth the Reward - They Kind of Had To In Order To Keep Going...
Headlines Felt the Struggle Was Worth the Reward
They Kind of Had To In Order To Keep Going...
"No, We're Not."
"Yes, We Are."
"No, We're Really Not."
"Yes, We Really Are."
"Are Not!"
"Are Too!"
"Are we really as divided as we think?"
- Toronto Star
I Certainly Go That Way Whenever I'm Confronted By An Unpleasant Situation
I Wouldn't Dare To Speak For Anybody Else
"Is nuclear our best option?"
- Toronto Star
The Earth Could Fall Into The Sun - Best Not To Risk It
"What if we put Canadians on our money?"
- Toronto Star
Two Year-Olds Can Be So Demanding, Can't The Little Bastards?
"Will my girlfriend's son ruin our summer plans?"
- Toronto Star
The Element Of Surprise Makes It Easier For The Spa To Pounce On Innocent Passers-by
"Why hide the spa behind the trees?"
- Toronto Star
I Certainly Am
I Wouldn't Dare To Speak For Anybody Else
"Are we headed toward a meltdown?"
- Toronto Star
Not If Liev The LVI Has Anything To Say About It!
"Will it be LIV and let live at Augusta National?"
- Toronto Star
Somebody Gets Mad
"Your credit is maxed. What next?"
- Toronto Star
Do She Have Two Year-Old Children?
"Can a single hockey mom find romance?"
- Toronto Star
Don't Be Silly - There Will Always Be British Queens!
"Was that the last British coronation?"
- Toronto Star
Right Under The Heading "Expenses We'll Never Incur - Ha Ha, Suckers"
"Where's housing in federal budget?"
- Toronto Star
"If PM's vacation is a scandal, what's this behaviour?"
- Toronto Star
High-priced Lawyers
"Why won't Ford consider low-cost solutions?"
- Toronto Star
You Seem A Little Unclear On The Concept...
"Can I get her back after our breakup?"
- Toronto Star
The Government Has Put Them Off So Often They're Turning Brown
"Why so much secrecy around our green spaces?"
- Toronto Star
I'm Sure Your Friend Would Like To Know
"Should I share why friendship ended?"
- Toronto Star
Camouflage For When You're Out In One Of The Province's "Green" Spaces
"Is fashion running out of ideas?
The fall 2022 trends aren't exactly revolutionary: minimalism, plaid and a return to brown. What gives?"
- Toronto Star
Sorry - I...I've Been Spending Too Much Time At The Chamber Of Commerce
"What's correct approach to Canada's labour shortage?"
- Toronto Star
In A Sense: It's People Who Buy Expensive Homes At Inflated Prices And DON'T Immigrate To Live In Them That Are The Problem
"Is immigration affecting housing crisis?"
- Toronto Star
Of Course Not! Everybody Knows There Are No Taps That Deep - How Are They Going To Get Water Down There To Scrub With?
"Is scrubbing ocean floor an 'untapped' climate solution?"
- Toronto Star
Is He Two Years Old? That Might Not Go As Well As You Could Hope
"Should I tell son my marriage is a lie?"
- Toronto Star
Alberta - They Found The Subway Ads Touting The Province Convincing
"Where did our gargoyles go?"
- Toronto Star
Manly Ones
"Which politicians do men like?"
- Toronto Star
Donald Trump Or Donnie Wahlberg?
"Visceral hate or just envy?"
- Toronto Star
Wrong. On. So Many! Levels!
"Who brought a gun to a cockfight?"
- Toronto Star
Not If I Have No Idea What The Heck It Is!
"Can 'freudenfreude' make you happier?"
- Toronto Star
Yes, Because They Rarely Have Men Interrupting Them With...Demands...
"Do men sleep better than women?"
- Toronto Star
Are You Kidding? Now I Have No Excuse To Keep My Teens From Going To Parties! This Is A Disaster!
"COVID's over. So all is OK right parents?"
- Toronto Star
Are You Talking About Hair, Here?
Why Do I Get The Feeling You're Not Talking About Hair, Here?
"Go big, or don't?"
- Toronto Star
Expelling Gas Isn't New. The Question You Might Ask Would Answer Itself, Though, Wouldn't It?
"Expelling envoys isn't new. Why not China?
- Toronto Star
Treat Them Like Oldcomers
"How can Canada retain newcomers?"
- Toronto Star
Yes, But Not From A High Enough Place To Kill Her, Just To Give Her Something To Think About
"My friend is racist. Should I drop her?"
- Toronto Star
Is Trudeau Canadian Tire?
"Are Canadians tired of Trudeau?"
- Toronto Star
Sure - In The Sense That It Will Shorten Your Lifespan And End Your Suffering That Much Sooner
"Is drinking tequila actually good for you?"
- Toronto Star